Thursday, November 4, 2010

Service Learning Project

For our service learning project we voted in the previous election. 

I voted for Deval Patrick.  I voted in my hometown.  I went to this great website that talked about Deval Patrick's stance on the environment.  The website stated how he has been a very strong environmental governor.  There is a part on the website that really caught my attention and influenced my decision.  This part is: 
"Governor Patrick is the only candidate in the race who agrees with the overwhelming majority of scientists – and conclusive evidence – that global warming is happening, and human activity is the primary cause.  Not only has he recognized the problem, but he has firmly committed the state to doing our part to solve it.  This proactive action uniquely situates Massachusetts to lead the nation and the world in the technologies that will flourish in a carbon-constrained world.  One of Deval Patrick’s first acts as Governor was to recommit Massachusetts to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) the first regional cap on global warming pollution from power plants in the country.  Revenue generated from RGGI is committed to energy efficiency programs that are saving consumers money and further reducing the state’s carbon footprint.  Beyond RGGI, the Governor signed into law the Global Warming Solutions Act which sets a comprehensive cap on greenhouse gases."  I voted for Deval Patrick because I think he really will make Global Warming a priority.

The website where I got all this information is: 

Marissa's reflection:
By voting for Deval Patrick, I voted for the candidate that seemed to have the most interest in doing something about Global Warming. 
I would definitely do something like this again.  Voting is very important.
I would teach and have students create their own service learning projects.  I think that it will give students a great opportunity to get involved and make a difference in their community.


As a New Hampshire resident I have done my part and voted for someone who believes in cleaning up our environment as well. Unfortunately Paul Hodes was not chosen to represent new Hampshire as a Senator. Congressman Paul Hodes has done a lot for promoting green jobs, and tax breaks for people and families that are also trying to cut back the greenhouse gases produced in our state.
Hodes held an integral position in the American Clean Energy and Security Act which would not only provide over 7,000 new jobs just in New Hampshire but it would also reduce our states carbon emissions by over 80%.
Obviously Paul Hodes does not dispute Global Warming, and believes that anything that we can do to help the environment is key in reducing our carbon footprint.
Kelly Ayotte defeated Paul Hodes for NH's senate seat, and I am very disappointed. Kelly Ayotte does not have a strong stance on anything to help our environment, and I'm disappointed in my fellow New Hampshire residents for disregarding the fact that Paul Hodes wants to do something great for our state.

I found the following link very interesting;
"Ayotte soundly defeated Hodes, garnering 60 percent of the vote to Hodes’ 37 percent, with 89 percent of precincts reporting in by press time, according to the AP.
Young voters and minorities, who tend to favor Democrats, do not vote in high numbers in off-year elections, according to Fowler. This decreased turnout hurts Democratic candidates across the country, she added."
It troubles me to think that younger people do not get out and vote in these seemingly minor elections. These senate and house races are just as important, and I'm sad to say that a lot of my friends were included in this. I loved that facebook offered a chance to tell all of the facebook world whether or not they voted or not. I think it got some people the motivation to get out there, and do it. I was a proud voter this past Tuesday, but I just wish that more people had supported Hodes like myself. The things that I have learned in the election, and knowing more about our carbon emissions makes me well informed for future decisions, and informing others on the importance of keeping New Hampshire green.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Critical Attributes and Discussion Question

Critical Attributes for Global Warming
·         Global Warming is caused by high concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially from the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.  Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere.
·         As a result, of the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat energy is bouncing back onto the earth due to the reflective nature of the earth’s atmosphere.
·         Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels.  For example, cars emit carbon dioxide.
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Core Tempature
  • Greenhouse Gases
  • Deforestation
  • Solar Variation
Discussion Question:
What can we as consumers do to negate the effects of Gloabl Warming?
      As consumers we can try to reduce our carbon footprint by carpooling, recycle more, use more recycleable materials, drive hybrid or more environmentally friendly cars, use less electricty, conserve water, particpate in activities that help reduce the effect of Global Warming and help to educate the world on Global Warming. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Causes of Global Warming

What is causing Global Warming?
A lot of people wonder what global warming is, and how it is causing climate change. We've all wondered about global warming, and why it's happening. We pose this investigative question as our first blog on the topic, because to fix the problem we have to first know what is causing it. We all wonder what global warming is going to mean for future generations, and how it's going to affect the rest of our lives. Global Warming is of specific interest to us, because we care about our environment, and the world we live in.

We researched that one of the major causes of global warming is the high concentration of greenhouse gases. One greenhouse gas in particular that is a major contribution to global warming is carbon dioxide. As a result of the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere heat energy is bouncing back onto the earth due to the reflective nature of the earth’s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. Unfortunately over the past 50 years the emission of carbon dioxide has amplified.
Cause for global warming: Carbon dioxide emission
The past 50 years there has been a very significant increase in our total carbon emissions. We knew that the greenhouse gas did play a large role in the changes in our environment, but we were shocked to see this data in the above graph. The biggest increase would be the emission of petroleum, and of course the total amount of emissions. This makes us realize how important it is to reduce the amount of carbon emissions, and how we will be affected in the next 50 years.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

All About Us!

"There has been consensus among scientists for years that global warming is a serious problem and that it is caused by human activity."

Hi!  I'm Marissa!  I go to school at Salem State University and my major is elementary education.  I am very excited to become a teacher one day!  I am currently in Block and I am in a Social Studies course.  This blog and our project is on Global Warming.  My group and I will be doing a service learning project and creating a lesson on Global Warming.  I am very interested in this subject!  I must admit I do not know a lot about it but, I can't wait to learn more!

My interest in Global Warming began with an argument I had with my employer about the fact that he does not believe that it is actually happening. I of course never thought global warming wasn't happening. This then sparked quite the debate between us. As I was debating with him I started to think to myself that maybe I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Our debate ended with us stating that we agreed to disagree. However, it forever peaked my interest in the subject, and it has made me want to know everything there is to know about global warming. Luckily for me there are new studies and opinions on it posted daily. I can't wait to become an expert on it, and give my employer some real concrete research.

Global Warming has been a topic I have been studying and debating about with friends, professors and classmates for about seven years now.  Beginning back in high school, I took a class that was focused on learning the truths behind global warming, and what we can do to help reverse the problem.  It really was the start of a long research project that has spanned all the way into college.  Now, with geography as my second major, I've had a fair share of conversations with professors about the science behind this global phenomenon, and how it will impact the world and the people who inhabit it.  I am hoping that this service learning project will help our group to not only learn more about global warming, but also to help others understand the seriousness of how we have affected our climate on Earth.